View Itemized Long Distance Charges

You can view a detailed record of long distance charges on your line for a specific billing cycle. Unfortunately, you can’t see your current month's charges (you would need to wait until the billing cycle is done to view that). But for a record of long distance charges within a past billing period, you can see that on your TELUS e.Bill. To view any previous long distance charges, please do the following:  

1)  Click on the following link:

2)  Log in with your Username/Email and password.

3)  Under the "Billing" section, click on the number (link) under "Account #".

4)  On this page, you will see "Account details". Click on the "view e.Bill" link on this page.

5)  Click on the "+ Home Phone" link and then "+ Charges for phone number".

All long distance calls made within that billing cycle will be displayed.  The alternative as well, once you are within "Summary of my account" is to click on the "Download/Print".  You can select Save or Open and the bill will display within Adobe Acrobat Reader.  It will appear exactly as it would have appeared if it were a paper bill.