When you are getting close to your monthly bandwidth allocation, you can have an automatic trigger alert generated and sent to your default TELUS email address. There would be 2 emails sent out, one when you reach 75 percent of your bandwidth allowance and one when you reach 100 percent of your bandwidth allowance. To turn on your usage reminder notification, please do the following:
1) Click on the following link: https://www.telus.com/youraccount
2) Log in with your Username/Email and password.
3) Once you are logged into your account, look under the "Products & services".
Beside "TELUS High Speed", click on the "View details / modify" link.
4) Near the bottom of the page, look for the "Usage reminders" section.
To view a list of previous usage, click “Previously viewed usage reminders”.
5) If you wish to enable or disable them, click on the "Update usage reminders" link.
6) You can enable and disable your Usage reminders as desired.
Once you are finished, click on the green "Update" button.