Your Security Question is used to verify your identify should you ever forget your password. It is important to choose a security question that would be hard for someone to guess but that you will know the answer to. To change your security question, please do the following:
1) Click on the following link:
2) Log in with your Username/Email and password.
3) Once you are in your account, towards the right side of the page, click on the "Change your user profile" link.
4) Under the "Security Credentials" section, click on the "Change your security question" link.
5) Click on the drop-down menu beside "Security question" and you will be presented with pre-selected questions.
6) If you do not like those questions or want to choose your own, select "I will enter by own question". If you select that, you will be asked to enter your question below.
7) Now type in your response to the question beside "Security answer".
8) When you are finished, click on the green "Change" button below and you should get confirmation if it worked or not.
From that point forward, should you ever forget your login password and need to reset it, your security question will be whatever you changed it to be.